Blind Devotion

Blind Devotion is a Cooperative Logic Challenge

Basic Game Play:
You and your team must work together to complete ceremonies in order to move forward through a dungeon.

Set Up:
To set up a ceremony, all players gain three attribute cards (double sided) placed in front of them for everyone to see. Then, they will each receive one assigned god. However, these assigned gods are given FACE OUT. You know which gods everyone else is assigned, but not which god you were assigned.

The rules of the ceremony are simple. Starting will the current leader, and moving clockwise, each player will perform exactly one action. That action can be 1) Flip one of your own attribute cards, 2) Swap one of your own attribute cards with an attribute card of the player on your right, or 3) Declare the ceremony complete. In no one uses the Declare action by the end of the 6th round of the ceremony, then the ceremony ends automatically.

Oh, and one more thing - talking is NOT PERMITTED while the ceremony is in session. Not cheating! The gods are watching you!

Once the ceremony ends, players are permitted to look at their assigned gods. If each player is displaying the proper combination of attributes to their respective gods, then the ceremony is a success! You may all move forward though the dungeon. However, if even one player is not showing the proper combination, then the gods are angered, and the ceremony fails!

The further you progress through he dungeon, the harder the ceremonies become!

Anger the gods 5 times, and they will kill you themselves.
Fail to escape the dungeon before the end of the 10th ceremony, and the minotaur will discover your party and devour you all!

Good Luck!


Headband, Deduction, Cooperative Play


Greek, Mythology

